Browsing Doctoral Theses by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 59
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopic and DFT investigations of Solubility Limited Glass- forming Pharmaceuticals
(University of Calicut, 2021-06) -
Confronting physics of the early Universe with cosmological observations
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2019., 2019) -
Correlated studies of spectral and timing aspects of x-ray binaries
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2024)X-ray Binaries (XRBs) are a class of binaries which emit in X-rays. They consist of a compact object, which could be a White Dwarf, Neutron Star or a Black Hole, in orbit with a normal companion star. Black Hole Binaries ... -
Design and development of devices for radiation dosimetry
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2008) -
Design Optimisation and Testing of SSM on ASTROSAT and Study of X-ray Transients
(Department of Physics University of Calicut., 2011) -
Effect of Radiation on Electronic Devices
(Department of Physics University of Calicut, 2017) -
Environmental Radioactivity Studies In Wayanad, Kerala, India
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2018., 2018) -
Equation of State and Transport Coefficients of Quark-Gluon Plasma using Cluster Expansion Method
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut,2018, 2018) -
Estimation of radon and thoron in environmental samples
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut,2018, 2018) -
Evaporation Residue Measurements of Compound Nuclei in A ≈ 200 Region
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2023) -
Fusion studies in 12 C+ 182,184,186 W reactions at energies below and near the Coulomb barrier
(Dept. of Physics, University of Calicut, 2023) -
Fusion-fission studies of compound nuclei around mass 215
(University of Calicut., 2019-07) -
General physical characteristics of γ-ray emitting beamed AGNs in fermi era
(2016)The research work presented in this thesis is aimed to provide a detailed understanding of the radiative processes powering the jets of the blazars, a class of AGNs with jet pointed towards the line of sight to the observer. ... -
Growth and physical property studies of some biologically important crystals
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2019) -
Impact of breakup coupling in nuclear reactions on light elements
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2023)The resurgence of interest in nuclear reactions involving weakly bound nuclei spans nuclear astrophysics, neutron production, and fast reactor dynamics. These reactions offer insights into complex couplings within nuclear ... -
Investigation of Plasmonic Properties in Oxide and Nitride Thin Films/
(MET Thrissur, 2021) -
Investigation of the Dependence of Isomeric Cross-Section Ratio on Various Reaction Parameters
(University of Calicut, 2020-09) -
Investigations on gamma ray interactions using 137 CS gamma rays
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut, 2003) -
Investigations on the applications of dynamical instabilities and deterministic chaos for speech signal processing
(Department of Physics, University of Calicut., 2008) -
Molecular Relaxations and Crystallization Kinetics of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals using Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy
(University of Calicut., 2019-07)