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dc.contributor.advisorShahanas Beegam, P.P.
dc.contributor.authorSarithambika, K.P.
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of Commerce MES Mampad College (Autonomous), University of Calicut.en_US
dc.description.abstractEntrepreneurship is a driving force for socio-economic progress and growth of a developing country like India through employment generation, increased production of goods and services, technological development, export promotion, increase in national income, etc. Entrepreneurship aids in the socio-economic development and inclusive growth of under- represented and weaker sections of society including differently-abled persons. Differently-abled persons are extremely stigmatised and marginalised category of the society. Major challenges faced by them are accessibility barrier due to mobility restriction, attainment of basic education, poverty, poorer health condition, lack of previous work experience, due to isolation by society lack of self-confidence to participate in the labour market, etc. This study aims to understand the support system, traits, competencies of entrepreneurs, motivation to start a business, prospects and problems involved in business performance run by differently- abled persons in Kerala and to develop a model for the study. The research carried out was descriptive and analytical in nature. Both secondary and primary data were used. Primary data was collected through a well-structured questionnaire and interview schedule among 276 differently-abled entrepreneurs in Kerala using the cluster sampling method. The major findings of the study are; a higher level of entrepreneurial support is from the part of NGOs. Government support is inadequate in meeting their entrepreneurial needs, the major traits possessed by entrepreneurs are independence and information-seeking traits and the least is risk-taking ability, opportunity competency and commitment competency seem to be higher. Differently-abled entrepreneurs enter entrepreneurship mainly due to push factors rather than pull factors. Business performance is mainly influenced by organisational learning least is due to the inability of social networking. Financial barriers and social barriers hinder the development of disabled persons in Kerala. Model explains there is a significant effect on traits on business performance, competencies and motivation, there is also a significant effect of competencies and motivation on business performance. Competencies mediate the relationship between traits and business performance as well as motivation and business performance, motivation also mediate the relationship between traits and business performance and also traits and competencies. Enhancing competencies, motivation, and traits of entrepreneurs increases business performance and thereby enriches the success of entrepreneurship this can be at a certain extent improved by stakeholder’s support system for differently-abled persons.en_US
dc.description.statementofresponsibilitySarithambika, K.P.en_US
dc.format.extent328 p.en_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Commerce MES Mampad College (Autonomous), University of Calicut.en_US
dc.subjectDifferently ableden_US
dc.titleSocio economic dimensions and entrepreneurial development of differently abled entrepreneurs in Keralaen_US
dc.description.degreePh Den_US

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