Doctoral Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 586
Designing a mental health awareness program for school teachers in Kerala
(Department of Psychology prajyoti niketan college. University of Calicut, 2025)Mental health is integral to overall well-being, encompassing various aspects of an individual's life (WHO, 2022). Adolescence, a critical period marked by biological, cognitive, emotional, and social changes, is ... -
Metamorphosis of readers to writers a psychoanalytic study of Harry Potter fan fictions
(Department of English, Farook College (Autonomous), University of Calicut, 2024)Fan fiction can provide a platform for exploring the various aspects of creative writing, including the motive behind the reading and writing processes. Despite various researches from a pedagogical perspective, there ... -
Space and narratives in Amitav Ghosh’s novels
(Department of English St. Aloysius College , Elthuruth, Thrissur, 2022) -
A study on genetic diversity and marker trait association analysis in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
(ICAR Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode. University of Calicut, 2024)Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) commonly known as golden spice is an economically important spice crop. Turmeric genotypes exhibit wide intraspecific variation for the biologically active principles coupled with morphological ... -
Study on the impact of allelochemicals of senna spectabilis Dc Irwin and barneby invasion in Wayanad, Kerala
(Department of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, KSCSTE Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi. University of Calicut., 2025)Invasive alien spebies, such as Senna spectabilis, pose significant threats to biodiversity, particularly in sensitive ecosystems like the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary in the Westem Ghats of India. Originally introduced ... -
Systematic studies on the heterobasidiomycetes (Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi) of Kerala
(Department of Botany, The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College, University of Calicut, 2024)Heterobasidiomycetes are a polyphyletic group of fungi having jelly-like basidiocarp, complex dolipore septum with parenthesomes, septate basidia, and basidiospores capable of producing secondary spores and/or ... -
Systematic studies on the boletoid fungi (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) of Kerala
(Department of Botany, The Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College, University of Calicut, 2024)Boletoid fungi are a monophyletic group (Boletales Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) with members producing basidiomata that are usually fleshy, stipitate-pileate and with poroid or lamellate hymenophore. Most of the ... -
Structural electrochemistry and biomimetic sensing characteristics of polyindole and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) based materials
(Department of Chemistry University, of Calicut, 2024)Biological muscles possess the remarkable ability to sense energetic working conditions such as temperature, pressure, chemical potential, and muscle potential while working. These muscles function as macromolecular ... -
An analysis of behavioural bias and investment performance among equity mutual fund investors in Kerala
(Research and PG Department of Commerce St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous) Thrissur., 2023) -
Realization of active and passive optical components and their applications using multilayered polymer/inorganic thin films
(Research Department of Physics Government Victoria College, Palakkad, 2022) -
Economic Empowerment of People with Disabilities in Kerala: Status, Opportunities and Challenges
(Department of Economics St. Joseph’s college (Autonomous) Devagiri, Kozhikode, 2022) -
Studies on variations of domination in graphs/
(Department of Mathematics St Mary’s College Thrissur., 2022) -
Influence of impulse buying behaviour of women consumers in Kerala
(Department of Commerce MES Keveeyam College, Valanchery, University of Calicut, 2024)The impulse buying behaviour is a common customer phenomenon that has significant effects on people, businesses, and the whole economy. The rationality of customers in market places has been forgotten since time when ... -
Enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in residential care feasibility of a risk management and strengths based intervention
(Department of Social Work, Vimala College (Autonomous). University of Calicut, 2024)The increasing population of the elderly all over the world, coupled with a shifting social dynamic that no longer places the family as the primary caregiver, calls for improved aged-care systems in the community. This ... -
Tamil feminism poetry - A post modernist perspective
(Dept. Of Tamil & Research Centre, Govt. College, Chittur Palakkad, 2020) -
Development of a bridge programme for enhancing achievement in mathematics of standard xi students
(Farook Training College Research Centre in Education, 2022) -
Petromodernity, oil capitalism and enviro-justice in the extractive sacrifice zones:aA study on select petrofiction
(Postgraduate Department of English Mercy College, Palakkad, 2022) -
Reimagining power relations a study of select contemporary Indian narratives
(Department of English,Vimala College, Thrissur., 2023) -
Influence of metacognition and attributional complexity on academic resilience of orphanage students in Kerala
(Farook Training College Research Centre in Education, 2022) -
Effectiveness of responsible tourism and its influence on socio economic development of Kerala
(Department of Commerce MES Mampad College (Autonomous). University of Calicut., 2025)The tourism industry stands out as a vital economic engine, driving revenue generation, job creation, and income growth. Recognized for its dynamic nature, tourism is often hailed as one of the fastest-growing sectors ...