Browsing Doctoral Theses by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 549
Assessment of air cargo logistics and role of civil aviation in export of agricultural products
(Department of commerce and management studies, PSMO college, 2024) -
Assessment of human- wildlife conflict and mitigation measures in Malappuram District, Kerala, India
(Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, 2020) -
Assessment of human-wildlife conflict and mitigation measures in Malappuram district, kerala, India.
(Department of wildlife biology, forest ecology & biodiversity conservation division, Kerala forest research institute, peechi, Thrissur, University of Calicut., 2020-09-29) -
Association of human plasma erythropoietin levels with other analytes in health and in disease states
(Amala Cancer Research Center, Thrissur,2018., 2018) -
Auguries of apocalypse: treatment of climate change in the novels of Margaret Atwood, Barbara Kingsolver and Lorin R Robinson
(Research and Post Graduate Department of English, St.Aloysius College, Thrissur, 2023) -
An automated algorithm to extract features from retinal fundus images to detect diabetic retinopathy and assess its severity using deep learning
(Dept.of Electrical and Electronics Engg. Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur, 2020) -
Bank financing and industrial performance of Kerala.
(Department of Economics, Dr. John Mathai centre, Aranattukara, University of Calicut., 2020-09) -
Be the Same but Do the New: A Study of Major Film Versions of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights
(PG and Research Department of English,Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur,Affiliated to the University of Calicut,2021, 2021) -
Behaviour and Adaptations of Little Cormorant Phalacrocorax niger and Darter Anhinga melanogaster
(Dept. of Zoology, St. Joseph's College, Devagiri,, 2009) -
Bhakti as resistance: a study of select english translations of bhakti poetry
(Research & Post Graduate Department of English St. Thomas College (Autonomous) University of Calicut., 2022) -
Biocontrol potential of rhizosphere and rhizoplane fungi of selected grasses against certain fungal diseases of forest nursery seedlings
(KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, 2021-06) -
Biographical sketches of eminent personalities in arabic writings of Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi - with special focus on his book Al Murthadha: an analytical study
(Research Department of Arabic, Madeenathul Uloom Arabic College,Pulikkal, 2023) -
Biology and host plants selection of the darkling beetle mesomorphus villiger blanchard (COLEOPTERA:TENEBRIONIDAE)
(Department of Zoology St Joseph College Devagiri, 2018) -
Biospectrum analysis of allied taxa of Nothapodytes found in Kerala with special reference to anticancer properties
(Amala Cancer Research Center , THrissur., 2016) -
Biosystematic studies on the scolopendrid centipedes (chilopoda: scolopendromorpha) of Kerala with observations on their ecology.
(Zoological Suvery of India., 2016-05) -
Black holes in cosmological backgrounds
(Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 2003) -
Brand building practices: a study among commercial banks in Kerala
(Research and PG Department of Commerce, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 2023)Financial institutions, particularly the banking sector, play a crucial role in driving economic growth and ensuring stability. In India, over the past three decades, commercial banks have shifted their service delivery ... -
Cast as the Female Lead: Counter- Discourses in Imaging Women in Kerala Films
(PG Department of English & Research Centre Sree Kerala Varma College Thrissur, 2018) -
Certain psychological variables predicting mathematical creativity among secondary school students
(Farook Training College, Farook., 2020)