Browsing Doctoral Theses by Title
Now showing items 173-192 of 545
Gambling and decision making: a study on selected games
(St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur., 2020-11) -
Gender, space and performance : A study of the visual narratives of Kodungallur Bharani Festival
(St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous) Thrissur., 2020-07) -
Genetic studies in cleft lip and palate patients from Kerala
(Department of Zoology, Christ College (Autonomous), 2023) -
Globalization of Culture: A Study of the Influence of Children’s Picture Books on the Transformation of Culture in the Global Age
(Department of English St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 2019) -
Grammatical Developments in Tamil - Chollathikaaram (European Period)
(Department of Tamil Govt. College Chittur, Palakkad, 2023)AIM The purpose of this study is to highlight that although the grammar books that arose during the European period have some similarities, they have some changes that are unique to them.Comparison of European period ... -
Grammatical principles applied in the Holy Quran : an analytical study on select verses
(PG & Research Department of Arabic,Farook College (Autonomous), Calicut, 2023) -
Green energy product marketing: a study with reference to off-grid solar rooftop photovoltaic power plant (RTPV) in Kerala
(Department of Commerce and Management Studies, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Thrissur-, 2018) -
Green synthesis of 1,2,3 triazoles and application of their palladium N-Heterocyclic carbene complexes as catalyst and anticancer agents
(Department of Chemistry St.Thomas’ College (Autonomous), 2019) -
Greener synthesis of nanostructured ceria based materials for pollutant removal and optical sensing applications
(Department of Chemistry S.N.G.S. College, Pattambi, 2020) -
Harihariya commentary on tarkasangraha: a study with content analysis and critical edition
(Sanskrit Sahitya Sree Neelakanta Government Sanskrit College, Pattambi, 2024) -
Harnessing resources capabilities and strategies for growth a framework for innovation and performance of startup companies in Kerala
(Department of Commerce and Management Studies Farook College (Autonomous) Kozhikode, 2024) -
Herpetofaunal diversity in swamp (vayal) ecosystems in Periyar tiger reserve, western ghats
(KFRI, Peechi, Thrissur,2022., 2022) -
Higher education in Kerala: the post colonial experience, 1947-2000
(Dept. of History, Malabar Christian College., 2023) -
Hindi Ka Mahila Natak : Ek Adhyayan (Kusum Kumar aur Nadira Zaheer Babbar Ke Vishesh Sandarbh Mein)
(Govt. Arts and Science College, Kozhikode., 2016) -
Historical appropriations in the post modern migrant literature -- A reading of the select novels of Kazuo Ishiguro and Michael Ondaatje
(Research centre for comparative studies, Postgraduate department of English, Mercy College, Palakkad, University of Calicut., 2019-08-22) -
A historical outline of kuri companies and its impact on the socio-economic transformation of Trichur (1891-1975)
(P.G & Research Department of History PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 2019) -
Historicizing ritual tradition-a case study of ayyappan thiyyattu
(PG department of history and research, Christ college, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, University of Calicut, 2021-08-13) -
History and narration in ‘palestinian comedy’ novel series of Ibrahim Nasrulla
(Research Department of Arabic Thunchan Memorial Govt. College, Tirur, 2023) -
History of religious organisations and ideological conflicts among The Muslims of Malabar from 1921-1989
(Department of history, PSMO college, Tirurarangadi, University of calicut, 2022-01) -
Homeland and exile in the novels of Rabai- Al- Madhoun
(Post Graduate & Research Department of Arabic, Farook College (Autonomous) Kozhikode, 2023)In this study, the researcher seeks to explore the themes of homeland and exile in Rabai’ al- Madhoun’s novels. Homeland and exile are interconnected topics; when an individual loses their homeland, they often experience ...