Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Constants of history: A reading of American slave narratives in the context of globalization
(St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur., 2019-09)
Location as Character: Fugitivity Voices in the Selected Middle East Women Writings
(Farook college, Calicut, 2019-09)
Gender, space and performance : A study of the visual narratives of Kodungallur Bharani Festival
(St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous) Thrissur., 2020-07)
The Free Woman: A Feminist Study of the Turbulent Life of Aphra Behn and her Heroines
(Farook college, Calicut, 2019-09)
Intellectual activism of Muslim women in post 1990 Kerala
(Farook college, Calicut., 2018-10)
New World Philosophy of Narnia: Recognition and Resolution of Crisis
(St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous) Thrissur., 2021-07)
Salvaging the past: A study of the historical novels of Alex Rutherford and Indu Sundaresan
(Farook College, Calicut., 2021-01)
Traumatic subjectivity and ethical resolve: a study of select nuclear disaster narratives
(Farook college, Calicut., 2019-09)