Browsing Doctoral Theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 61
A study of some psycho-social correlates of underachievement of secondary school pupils in English
(University of Calicut, 2018) -
Influence of Epistemological Beliefs, Achievement Goals and Self Regulated Learning Strategies on Achievement in Accountancy of Higher Secondary School Students
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2018) -
Influence of Metacognitive Awareness, Goal Orientation and Learning Styles on Process Skills In Chemistry of Secondary School Students
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2018) -
Development of self learning materials on selected study skills in english for higher secondary students
(Department of Education, University of Calicut,2018., 2018) -
Enhancing achievement through evidence based self-regulatory intervention on student difficulties in high school mathematics
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2018) -
Influence of integrated instruction on attitude toward physics and achievement in physics among higher secondary students of Kerala in India and South Carolina in the United States
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, Kerala., 2018-06) -
Mainstreaming the differently abled children through inclusive education
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, Kerala., 2018-07) -
Influence of select compatibility factors on teacher endurance among special education teachers of pupils with intellectual differences
(Department of Education, University of Calicut., 2019) -
Analysis of educational telecast and webcast in India with special reference to the contribution of UGC media centres
(University of Calicut, 2019) -
Education and Development of Literary Creativity: A Study Based on Programmes and Practices of Constructivist Curriculum and Its Agentive Role in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2019) -
Education, social functioning and empowerment of transgender people in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2021) -
Influence of proficiency in English and selected contextual factors on achievement in physical science of standard ix students.
(University of Calicut, 2021-03) -
Analysis of governmental policies and the problems faced by visually challenged students at higher education level in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2022) -
Attitude, opportunities and challenges of continuous professional development among primary school teachers of Kerala
(Dept. of Education, University of Calicut, 2023) -
Self acceptance and socio-emotional adjustment in relation to level of aspiration among hearing impaired secondary school students in inclusive and special schools
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2023)One of the major aims of Education in the changing world is to benefit all learners including those with special educational needs. For a few decades, many developments have been taking place in the field of education of ... -
Psychosocial factors affecting educational aspiration of children of migrant labourers in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2023)India has implemented the Universalisation of Elementary Education and the Right to Education Act to provide education for all children, but faces challenges in reaching socially and economically disadvantaged children, ... -
An exploratory study on mental health among pre-primary students/
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2024-03-27)