Systematic studies on the heterobasidiomycetes (Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi) of Kerala
Heterobasidiomycetes are a polyphyletic group of fungi having jelly-like
basidiocarp, complex dolipore septum with parenthesomes, septate basidia,
and basidiospores capable of producing secondary spores and/or yeast-like
cells. Heterobasidiomycetes (Agaricomycotina) generally called as jelly fungi are
distributed in the following classes: Agaricomycetes, Dacrymycetes, and
Tremellomycetes. Heterobasidiomycetous fungi exhibit diversity in basidiocarp
shape, size, colour and utilize various substrata. Ecological features of
heterobasidiomycetes like habitat, mode of nutrition and associating organisms
vary significantly in different classes and orders. Heterobasidiomycetes include
economically important taxa with edibility and proven bioactivity.
From Kerala, Rangaswami et al. (1970) reported one species and
Mohanan (2011) reported ten species of heterobasidiomycetes. Comprehensive
studies of this group are lacking in Kerala State. Hence, a systematic study of
the heterobasidiomycetes fungi of Kerala was attempted.
Specimens used in the study were collected from different localities of
Kerala State during 2018-2024. Morphological and molecular characterizations
were done. The newly generated sequences were deposited in GenBank
( database. Phylogenetic analysis to elucidate the
relationships of taxa collected in the study was done. Pure cultures of 20
species were generated and maintained at Fungal Diversity laboratory of the
Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College. All the collections (including holotype
materials) have been deposited at the Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College
herbarium (ZGC), Kozhikode.
The present systematic study on heterobasidiomycete documented 47
species belonging to 11 genera, 7 families, 4 orders. Detailed morphological
microscopic photographs, and keys to the heterobasidiomycetes group were
Three species collected during the study have been formally
proposed as new to science. Seven species were found as hitherto undescribedand may represent species new to science (Sebacina species, Dacrymyces
species 1, Dacrymyces species 2, Tremella species 1, Tremella species 2 and
Tremella species 3 and Vishniacozyma species). Two taxa were identified only up
to family level and belonged to Auriculariaceae, and Cryptococcaceae. These
two taxa could not place in a genus because they exhibited phylogenetic
distinction from all the heterobasidiomycete genera described so far. Fifty five
molecular sequences were newly generated and phylogenetic analysis of
conducted for accurate identification of species.
This study forms the first phylogenetically supported comprehensive
treatment of heterobasidiomycetes from India.
- Doctoral Theses [586]