Diversity of Gamopetalae in Idukki District, Kerala.
The present study deals with the floristic documentation of gamopetalous members
present in Idukki district, Kerala. The study area Idukki, second largest district in
Kerala is a part of Southern Western Ghats and is enriched with various habitats. The
study follows the system of classification proposed by Bentham and Hooker.
Gamopetalae members coming under 32 families have been studied and documented.
Materials for the present study were collected through extensive field trips in different
parts of Idukki during 2017-2021 by undertaking 60 field trips and spending more
than 300 days in the field, in various seasons. Specimens of 672 species were
collected for scientific study and preparation of herbarium. Out of 672 plants
collected, 481 specimens could be placed in wild category and remaining 191 under
ornamental/ cultivated/ medicinal plants. Systematic treatment consists of keys for the
identification of families.
The 32 families are dealt separately with family and
genera, along with keys for the identification of genera and species. Taxonomic
description is followed by distribution, habitat, etymology and specimen examined.
The descriptions were prepared on the basis of details from live specimens and
herbarium specimens from CALI, MH, KFRI and virtual herbaria. The images of
some collected plants (wild and cultivated) were merged into various photoplates.
During the study period, 2 species were discovered new to science (Asyneuma
cupulare – Campanulaceae and Parasopubia raghavendrae – Orobanchaceae) and
typifications of two plants were done (Iochroma arborescens– neotypification and
Asyneuma fulgens - lectotypification) and one invasive plant was discovered
(Iochroma arborescens – Solanaceae) and one plant was reinstated (Fagraea
coromandelina - Loganiaceae). The floristic surveys are of prime importance in any
taxonomic study since it will throw light into the geographical distribution so that
strategies for conservation and sustainable utilization of plant resources could be
formulated. This work is an attempt to document all the gamopetalous members of
Idukki district.
- Doctoral Theses [95]