Inclusive practices of formative assessment For self-representation of culturally Marginalised tribal students.
Formative assessment has been identified as one of the key
components of an educational system which has an enabling
orientation and an objective of competency building. The present
research inquires whether the educational policies, curriculum and
practices in Kerala envisage assessment that is formative in the context
of increased rate of dropouts of culturally marginalised tribal students
(CMTS) sampled from Wayanad district of the state. Specifically, the
inclusive nature of formative assessment is examined.
The question of dropout and marginalisation is addressed from
the point of view of institutional responsibility of inclusiveness. The
nature of the issue required a critical examination of theoretical works
on institutionalisation of exclusion. In the course of the theoretical
revisit, issues related to the nature of what is called reality and
knowledge are unfolded. Examining theories on the role of language,
ideology and discursive practices, the study comes to the position that
structures of power and those of knowledge are linked with each other.
However, this relationship is not taken as that of unidirectional
determination. Oriented by this general theoretical perspective, the
research probs into the issue of dropout and marginalisation of CMTS
in the current educational system.
The method and validation of data were carried out on the
ground of theoretical standpoint. The theoretical framework of the
research is formed after an examination of textual, historical and
objectivist views. Avoiding bracketing approaches on the basis of
binary oppositions, relevant correlating elements were intelligibly
derived from these diverse and conflicting approaches with an eye on
the purpose of the present research and ̳multi-sourced‘ theoretical
approach has been developed and exercised in the research. The
theoretical approach of the research is designated as textual-historical
and objective. The study used the design of concurrent triangulation
within the general framework of mixed methodology. The collected
data were inductively analysed to derive observable themes which fall
into defined categories and codes. The five major themes that surfacethemselves are: Dropout and marginalisation, Inclusive School,
Differentiated Teaching, Organisation of Learning Session and
Institutional Framework.
- Doctoral Theses [62]