தமிழ் செல்விலக்கியங்களில் இறப்பு செய்திகள்
To find the importance of elegies in tamil society and its impact in tamil lifestyle and culture. The concept of death in tamil culture and the other indian contexts are co related in its depth and overall conceptual mode but sometimes the uniqueness of the culture,
geographical, economical perspective are also a main area for focus. The sea of tamil literature is vast one with two thousand year old traditional values. In that vast sea 41 classical texts carefully selected and analysed for the research. The first part death and obituaries deals with how people die, Dictionaries or tamil nikands mentioned the terms managala amangala and its relevance in life, religious perspective of death, the present condition of crime and punishment and human death and its related aspects studied in this chapter. The second chapter of the research deals with the agam literature and its obituaries which happened in Wartime Padhinen keezhkanakku, melkanakku texts. And it also focus the death happened during murder, revenge, accidents, death etc. The third chapter provide important deaths in Padhinen keezhkanakku melkanakku texts, it emphasis the death of poor and rich equally. It provide varieties of details about death and obituaries which happened in war, revenge, games, accidents and etc. The fourth chapter deals with the temporariness of human life and moral values related to the death and its consequences. It provide valuable comparisons, strategies related to death and obituaries of upper class and lower class. Crime and punishment values moral
facts related to death and obituaries. The chapter deals with the twin epics chilapathikaram and manimegalai and the
important deaths of chilambil neeli ,sangaman, kovalan, kannaki, kopperundheviCurses related to deaths , dreams related to deaths, suicides of madhari and gowndhiyadikal, death of kovalan and kannaki’s mother, death of sculptors are examples. The five parts and its detailed analysis and its values explained in the conclusion. A Bibliography and appendix are also provided.
- Doctoral Theses [586]
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