Flora of Idukki district, Kerala- studies on diversity of Polypetalous and monochlamydeous families
Idukki, situated in the heart of Kerala is best known for its emerald hills and pritine valleys. Forests, grasslands and wetlands dot this sanctuary of nature’s wonders.Needless to say, Idukki is a treasure trove of botanical wonders. It houses myraid plant species, each one unique on its own. Among this lush symphony Polypetalae and Monochlamydeae, two groups of flowering plants, stand as shining jewels in Idukki’s botanical crown. Yet, amidst this botanical paradise a shadow looms. Human activities and natural calamities have encroached upon Idukki’s delicate ecosystems, threatening the very existence of its botanical treasures. Deforestations, habitat fragmentation, and the invasion of alien species have cast a pall over this verdant realm. In response to this ecological crisis, this thesis embarks on a journey of discovery, delving in to the intricate world of Polypetalae and Monochlamydeae in Idukki. It meticulously documents the diversity of these plant groups, providing detailed descriptions, phenology and conservation status. The study reveals the staggering richness of plant life, with 979 taxa identified, representing a staggering 20% of Kerala’s angiosperm diversity. Among these Polypetalae reign supreme with 599 species, while Monochlamydeae contribute 212 species, each group a testament to nature’s boundless creativity. The thesis revealed startling fact: 16 of the 59 exotic taxa recorded in Idukki are highly aggressive and could displace the native flora. Moreover, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessed 49 taxa as Endangered, 31 as Vulnerable, 24 as near Threatened, 13 as Critically endangered. On a brighter note, the study also identified fice new taxa previously unknown to science. Additionally two other taxa were recorded for the first time in Kerala and Asia. These discoveries highlight the unique and precious botanical heritage of Idukki. This thesis is a comprehensive guide to Idukki’s botanical wealth, a testament to the district’s plant diversity, highlighting its threats and offering a roadmap for conservation. May this thesis serve as a clarion call to protect Idukki’s botanical heritage, ensuring that future generations can marvel at the wonders of this verdant paradise.
- Doctoral Theses [95]