Inference of Imam Al Tabari from the poetic evidences for etymological study of Holy Quran
This is an executive summary of of PhD thesis titled -Inference of Imam al-Tabari from the poetic evidences for etymological study of holy Quran It has been prepared by the research scholar with the aim of obtaining a doctorate degree in philosophy in the Arabic language from the Department of Arabic Language at MES Mampad College, an institution affiliated with the University of Calicut. The research is conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sabique M.K., Assistant Professor in the Department of Arabic, Mampad College.Arabic poetry is considered the highest form of literature, offering insights into various aspects of Arab life, historical scenarios, ethical values, and socio-political dynamics. It has played a crucial role in interpreting the Qur'an, enriching the understanding of its vocabulary, structures, and meanings. Imam al-Tabari's Tafsir, written in the classical period, stands out as a notable example of Qur'anic exegesis, demonstrating the use of poetic evidence to explain linguistic complexities and technical
meanings.The objectives of the thesis include studying the method of poetic evidence, understanding its relevance in interpreting Qur'anic verses, elucidating its logic and objectives, developing etymological understanding of the Qur'an, and introducing a new avenue for research in this field. The research also investigates how Imam al-Tabari utilized Arabic poetry, particularly focusing on the authenticity and repetition of poems quoted in his Tafsir.The study highlights the ongoing importance of poetic evidence in interpreting the Qur'an, emphasizing its role in providing linguistic evidence and contributing to a deeper comprehension of the divine text. The researcher aims to provide a clear framework for readers, encouraging further exploration and promotion of similar studies in the realm of inference by poetic evidence in Qur'anic studies. Overall, the thesis seeks to establish a comprehensive understanding of the significance of Arabic poetry in interpreting the Qur'an, specifically through the lens of Imam al-Tabari's approach.Key findings of the research include:Arabic poetry is used as "poetic evidence" to explain word meanings and linguistic judgments.This approach is commonly utilized by linguists and commentators.The eloquent Arabic of the Qur'an is closely linked to this rich poetic tradition.Poetic evidence has been a tool for interpreting the Qur'an since the era of Prophet Muhammad.Companions like Abdullah bin Masoud employed this method to elucidate Qur'anic verses.Imam Al Tabari referenced more than two thousand verses to explain various linguistic concepts.Imam Al Tabari used this evidences for clarifying encompassed grammar, morphology, phonetics,and synthesis. He also used verses to clarify Qur'anic vocabulary.Linguists have established conditions for the reliable use of poetic evidence. They prioritize theauthenticity and purity of the language.Understanding the historical context is crucial for comprehensive language comprehension. Poetic evidence not only explains word meanings but also provides context.Arabicpoetry's role in linguistic interpretation and Qur'anic exegesis is integral.
- Doctoral Theses [589]