சிலப்பதிகாரத்தில் கேரளா நாட்டார் வழக்காறுகள்
The Epic Silapathikaram is a rare copy that explains the life of ancient Tamil people . It is a book that extensively discusses the civilization and culture of the people who lived approximately 2,000 years ago. The book serves as a container for examining many things such as the relationship between humans and nature, the many beliefs related to it, the ritual methods they used to connect themselves with the divine power, and their artistic skills that developed along with the ritual methods.
The saint Ilango who composed Silapathikaram belonged to Cheranad. The cultural elements that existed in ancient Tamil Nadu including areas such as Cheranadu and Tulunadu can be realized only through systematic analysis. The cultural elements are still
present today in the tradition of the people of Kerala, which was known as Cheranadu in earlier times. They have remained in vogue even today as an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture despite being subjected to many attacks due to the change of time.
By examining the cultural elements recorded in Silapathikaram with the present-day Kerala folk customs, we can identify many elements of classical culture. In other parts of Tamil Nadu including today's Tamil Nadu, there is an environment where it is not possible to identify the ways of life of the Tamils as highlighted by the Ancient literature. There is a need to connect the cultural matters recorded by Silapathikaram with Kerala current affairs. Therefore, this research is to find out the relationship between Ancient Tamil culture and Kerala culture.
- Doctoral Theses [586]