Browsing Education by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 61
Certain psychological variables as predictors of achievement in Mathematics of secondary school pupils of Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2001) -
Construction of norms on Kuhn’s soccer test for university players
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2007) -
Critical Study of Higher Secondary Education System in Kerala
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2017) -
Development of self instructional package for secondary school Biology teachers for their in-service learning
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 1998) -
Development of self learning materials on selected study skills in english for higher secondary students
(Department of Education, University of Calicut,2018., 2018) -
Deviant behaviour and related causes among higher secondary school students in Kerala
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2015) -
Ecoliteracy, Environmental Responsibility Attribution and Social Influence as Determinants of Green Consumer Behaviour of Undergraduate Students
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2017) -
Education and development among tribals in Kerala: a study with special reference to Wayanad district
(Department of Education, University of Calicut,2013, 2013) -
Education and Development of Literary Creativity: A Study Based on Programmes and Practices of Constructivist Curriculum and Its Agentive Role in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2019) -
Education, social functioning and empowerment of transgender people in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2021) -
Effect of Brain Based Learning Strategy and Circles of Learning Strategy on Achievement in Mathematics and Self Efficacy of Standard Vii Students
(Department of Education University of Calicut, 2017) -
Effect of brain based learning strategy and circles of learning strategy on achievement in mathematics and self efficacy of standard VII students
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, Kerala., 2017) -
Effect of student teams achievement divisions strategy and technology enriched task based language teaching on achievement in english and self regulation of standard VIII students
(Department of Education, University of Calicut., 2017) -
Effectiveness in geography achievement under guided discovery learning and reception learning conditions
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2002) -
Effectiveness of a metacognitive strategy instruction on problem solving skills in physics among higher secondary school students in Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut,2014., 2014) -
Effectiveness of an instruction based on solo taxonomy, Bloom’s taxonomy and mccormack and Yager’s taxonomy on certain learning outcomes of secondary school students
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2018) -
Effectiveness of bibliotherapy and progressive muscle relaxation on academic stress reduction among secondary school students of Kerala
(Department of Education, University of Calicut, Kerala., 2015-06) -
Effectiveness of cognitively guided instructional strategy on mathematics anxiety and achievement in mathematics of upper primary school students
(Dept. of Education, UNiversity of Calicut, 2015., 2015)