Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1693-1712 of 1870
Tragic Vision of Childhood in Toni Morrison’s Novels
(Farook College, Feroke, Calicut., 2008) -
Training need analysis and designing of training modules in selected organizations
(Dept. of Psychology, University of Calicut., 2014) -
Transcalarity and transtemporality: an intersectional analysis of select works of Chimamanda ngozi adichie, Buchi emecheta and Flora nwapa
(Research Centre for Comparative Studies, Postgraduate Department of English, Mercy College, University of Calicut, 2021-02) -
Transcriptome and proteome analysis of the curcuminoid biosynthetic pathway in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
(ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, 2017) -
Transformation of agriculture and environment in Wayanad (1882-2013)
(University of Calicut., 2020) -
Transit in graphs
(Department of Mathematics, University of Calicut, 2023)In the thesis titled ’Transit in Graphs’, a graph invariant called ”Transit Index” is introduced. Analysis of the transit index in alkanes showed that the correlation between MON, a physical property of alkanes and this ... -
Translated works from Malayalam to Arabic an analysis on stylistic and cultural perspectives
(Department of Arabic, University of Calicut, 2019) -
Trauma and memory in select works of Margaret Atwood and Margaret Laurence
(Research centre for comparative studies, Postgraduate department of English, Mercy college, University of Calicut., 2019-12-18) -
Traumatic subjectivity and ethical resolve: a study of select nuclear disaster narratives
(Farook college, Calicut., 2019-09) -
Travails of earth : ecological concerns in the select contemporary fiction
(PG Department of English and Research Centre Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, 2021) -
Traversing the boundaries: redefining subaltern Identities in modern renditions of The Mahabharatha
(PG Department of English and Research Centre, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, 2023)This research thesis, titled "Traversing the Boundaries: Redefining Subaltern Identities in Modern Renditions of The Mahabharatha," critically examines subalternity within contemporary retellings of The Mahabharatha, ... -
Treatment of textile effluent using moving bed biofilm reactor (mbbr) coupled with advanced oxidation processes
(Department of Chemical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur., 2020-12) -
The treatment of the concept of sentence : a study based on the Vakyapadiya
(Dept. of Sanskrit, University of calicut,2018., 2018) -
Trends, Causes and Consequences of Consumerism in Kerala.
(Department of Economics, University of Calicut., 2008) -
Tribes in transition: Influence of immigrants on the life and culture of Irula community in Attappadi (1925-2000)
(Department of History, PSMO college, 2024) -
Triumph and Trauma: Reconfiguring Self and Ethnicity through Cultural Memories in Select Aboriginal Narratives of Maurice Kenny and Narayan
(Department of English St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Devagiri, 2023)The thesis titled “Triumph and Trauma: Reconfiguring Self and Ethnicity through Cultural Memories in Select Aboriginal Narratives of Maurice Kenny and Narayan” is an attempt to analyse and decipher the function of the ... -
A Tryst with the Nation: A Study of the Writings of Orhan Pamuk
(P.G. Department of English and Research Centre Sree Keralavarma College Thrissur, 2019) -
Tunable synthesis and characterization of phytoconjugated nanoparticles for water remediation
(Department of Chemistry, University of Calicut, 2022)The ecosystem is under a severe threat due to the alarming increase in heavy metal ions caused by human activities and inadequate resource management. Chromium exists in both trivalent (Cr(III)) and hexavalent (Cr(VI)) ... -
UG Common Course Semester 1-4 (2019,2020,2021,2022)
(CHMK Library, University of Calicut, 2023-07-24) -
UG Common Course Semester 3,4 (,2020,2021)
(CHMK Library, University of Calicut, 2023-08-02)